- 09:00 Opening of the Exhibition doors to visitors
- 10:00 - 10:30 by Réseau Vrac et Réemploi The challenge of the reuse sector to accelerate the decarbonisation and reindustrialisation of regions 🇫🇷Speakers: Clara Mottier - Senior Manager | Deloitte Sustainability France, Célia Rennesson, Managing Director | Réseau Vrac et Réemploi, Fabrice Peltier - Creative Packaging Eco-design Expert
- 10:30 - 11:15 by Réseau Vrac et Réemploi The ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP): leading a shared reusable takeaway packaging model across European cities 🇬🇧Speakers: Tine Bakia - Founder & CEO | PackBack, Chloé Liard - Operations and Development Manager | Réseau Vrac et Réemploi, Simon Rossau, Project Manager for Circular Packaging Systems | Municipality of Aarhus + other guest
- 11:15 - 12:00 by Re-Uz Reuse, Restoration, and Re-uz: 3Rs that work well together! 🇫🇷;Speakers: Rose-May Lucotte - Co-founder and COO | ChangeNOW, Franck Andrieux - Chief Business Development Officer | Eternity Systems, Alexandre Solacolu - Co-founder | marketplace #CSiBON
- 12:00 - 12:45 by Rcube et Dekra How to improve the quality of refurbished products? Introduction to the RECQ Label🇫🇷Speakers: Vladimir Ryon - Sales Director | Pixmania / Nest Green, Yvan Mainguy - Managing Director | Dekra Certification France, Pierre Gomy - Head of Sustainability, Central & Southern Europe, Global Head of Luxury et CMO | Kantar, Priscillia Niay - Public Affairs, Corporate Communication Manager | Recommerce
- 12:45 - 13:00 Break
- 13:00 - 13:45 by New ERA Scale up mission: bringing reuse and refill projects to the next level 🇬🇧Speakers: Catherine Conway - Director & Reuse Lead | GoUnpackaged, Manon Bessone - Manager | (RE)SET, Marie-Alix Berthet - Project Manager Materials & Recycling | IPC, Dagny Tucker - Co-founder | PERPETUAL
- 13:45 - 14:15 by New ERA Unlock a reuse revolution. How to address environmental impacts to properly inform policy decision-making 🇬🇧Speakers: Bahar Koyuncu - Senior Policy Officer | Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Joe Papineschi - Chairperson | Eunomia
- 14:15 - 14:30 Break
- 14:30- 15:15 by Réseau Vrac et Réemploi Bulk Distribution: Joining forces to overcome barriers and bulk its use. Collective experience feedback: En Avant Vrac! and Coalition Défi Vrac🇫🇷Speakers: Maël le Moal - Vice-President of Périfem et sustainability manager Leclerc, Laurent Odinot Co-Founder | Woodland Garden, Delphine Leteurtre - Brand Design Director in Growth and Marketing Team | Bel, Audrey Felgerolles - Product Manager | Lesieur
- 15:15 - 16:00 by New ERA Setting the standards for reusable packaging systems: How can they scale reuse solutions? 🇬🇧Speakers: Claudette Juska - Co-founder & Technical Director | PR3, André Pietzke - Mehrwegverband Deutschland, Mathias Falkenberg, Program Manager | ECOS Laurine Grandet, Reuse & Refill project manager | CITEO
- 16:00 - 16:30 by Tomra et EC2027 Reuse, a new impactful cross-sectoral industry: combined testimonials from Valéo, Vesto, Arès and Back Market 🇫🇷Speakers: Guillaume Hérisson - Co-Managing Director | groupe Arès, Bastien Rambaud - CEO | Vesto, Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni - Corporate Vice-Président Sustainable Development and External Affairs | Valeo, Marie Castelli, Head of Public Affairs | Back Market
- 17:00 Closing of the Exhibition doors to visitors